General Links on Alcohol


Links on Alcohol

General Alcohol





Law Enforcement



Check out these

Web sites as starting points for finding alcohol information on the Web:

Widespread parental concern about alcohol advertising.
(as seen in USA


Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective


Alcohol use by young people is extremely dangerous ? both to themselves

and society at large. Underage alcohol use is associated with traffic

fatalities, violence, unsafe sex, suicide, educational failure, and other

problem behaviors that diminish the prospects of future success, as well

as health risks ? and the earlier teens start drinking, the greater the

danger. Despite these serious concerns, the media continues to make

drinking look attractive to youth, and it remains possible and even easy

for teenagers to get access to alcohol.

Why is this dangerous behavior so pervasive? What can be done to prevent

it? What will work and who is responsible for making sure it happens?

Reducing Underage Drinking addresses these questions and proposes a new

way to combat underage alcohol use. It explores the ways in which many

different individuals and groups contribute to the problem and how they

can be enlisted to prevent it. Reducing Underage Drinking will serve as

both a game plan and a call to arms for anyone with an investment in youth

health and safety.



Injury and Violence (ARIV)

The Trauma Foundation’s ARIV project facilitates the exchange of information

on alcohol-related injury and violence. ARIV’s Web site provides factsheets,

a searchable bibliographic database, and publications. The ARIV Resource

Manual, a compilation of factsheets and literature reviews, is included


BoozeNews: Alcohol Policies Project

The Alcohol Policies Project of the Center for Science in the Public Interest

seeks to curb the consequences of drinking through a comprehensive, prevention-oriented

policy strategy. This Web site is geared toward alcohol policy advocates,

providing updated news stories and action alerts. Further, the site includes

factsheets on alcohol and youth, binge drinking, advertising, and taxes.

Join Together Online

The Join Together Web site compiles news, feature stories, funding information,

and resources from a variety of sources. A “Quick Search” interface,

available on each page within the Substance Abuse section, allows easy

access to items addressing many of the strategies to reduce underage alcohol

use: enforcement (e.g., compliance checks, keg registration), social availability

(e.g., parties), tax increases, community norms (e.g., advocacy, counteradvertising),

and DWI prevention, to name a few. While not specific to underage alcohol

use, the Take Action section of the Web site also provides tips on advocacy

and media relations.



The Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems

addresses alcohol policy issues through media advocacy, community training,

serving as a watchdog for the industry’s marketing activities, and the

dissemination of information and research. Its Web site includes information

about the organization, full-text documents, and access to its


Industry & Policy Database,

which indexes news articles about the alcohol industry’s activities.


Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

In addition to providing general information about the Institute, the

Web site provides full-text research documents. To further research alcohol-related

science and issues, search NIAAA’s ETOH bibliographic database.


National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information

PREVline serves as a central information source for alcohol and drug information

from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


maintains a section on alcohol

and provides information on many

public awareness campaigns



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