
UDETC develops publications to assist
states and communities in their efforts to enforce underage drinking
laws and prevent environmental conditions that contribute to underage
drinking. All publications are available for downloading through
the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To view a description of any publication,
move your cursor over the publication title.

Overview and Framework Measuring and Monitoring
Operational Guides for Law Enforcement Other Support Documentation

Overview and Framework

Environmental Strategies to Prevent Alcohol Problems on College Campuses  
EUDL Overview  
Guide to Responsible Alcohol Sales: Off Premise Clerk, Licensee, and Manager Training  
Guide to Zero Tolerance and Graduated Licensing: Two Strategies that Work  
Preventing Sales of Alcohol to Minors: What You Should Know About Merchant Education Programs  
  Regulatory Strategies for Preventing Youth Access to Alcohol: Best Practices  
  Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use: Typology and Brief Overview  
Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use (Spanish) Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use: Typology and Brief Overview (Spanish) – Estrategias Para Reducir El Consumo De Alcohol En Los Menores  

Measuring and Monitoring

Date Published
Guide to Conducting Alcohol Purchase Surveys
Guide to Conducting Youth Surveys

Tips for Soliciting Cohesive Enforcement Program Plans

Operational Guides for Law Enforcement


Guide for Enforcing Impaired Driving Laws for Youth
A Practical Guide to Preventing and Dispersing Underage Drinking Parties
Law Enforcement Guide To False Identification
Networking for Success

Reducing Alcohol Sales to Underage Purchasers: A Practical Guide
to Compliance Check Investigations
Strategies for Reducing Third-Party Transactions of Alcohol to Underage Youth
Success in Youth Alcohol Enforcement
Law Enforcement and Higher Education: Finding Common Ground To Address Underage Drinking On Campus

Other Support Documentation

Community Strategies to Reduce Underage Drinking: Developing a Work Plan  
Drinking In America: Myths, Realities, and Prevention Policy  
EUDL Project Evaluations  
How to Use Local Regulatory and Land Use Powers to Prevent Underage Drinking

Indian Country Law Enforcement and the Challenges of Enforcing
Underage Drinking Laws
  OJJDP Development Grants to Colleges Yield Improvement in Underage Drinking Enforcement  
The OJJDP Judicial and Probation Outreach Project  

Schools and the Community Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Environment
Strategic Media Advocacy for Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws  
Underage Drinking: Intervention Principles and Practice Guidelines for Community Corrections

Writing Effective Requests for Proposals Sub-Granting Process
Youth Drinking Rates and Problems: A Comparison of European Countries and the United States

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