Delirium Tremens — Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System?

udetc 09/07/2024

Alcohol consumption is common for many while they are socializing or relaxing after work. However, after drinking some vodka shots, have you wondered how long alcohol stays in your system? What are the dangers? Due to its addictive nature and mental impairment, activities like driving and certain jobs are prohibited if a person has consumed…

Alcohol Poisoning — Signs, Symptoms, and Cure

udetc 02/07/2024

Alcohol poisoning is a condition where excess alcohol in the bloodstream causes areas of the brain involved with essential functions to shut down. Functions such as breathing, heart rate, and temperature. It is life-threatening and occurs when there is a large intake of alcohol for a short period of time. Commonly implicated are alcohol-containing drinks…

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders — Signs, Symptoms, and Treartment

udetc 17/06/2024

Fetal alcohol syndrome disorder is a spectrum of physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments that result from prenatal alcohol exposure. Early alcohol exposure before birth can inhibit the proper development of the brain, which eventually results in a spectrum of physical and cognitive impairments. The dose, pattern, timing, and duration of maternal alcohol exposure during pregnancy…