enforcement Driving
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF)
This Web site provides information on the BATF, its programs, and publications.
Orientated Policing Services (COPS)
COPS is the Federal office that coordinates community policing efforts.
The Web site includes information on COPS grantees and innovative programs
and resources on community policing. Resources include promising practices,
curriculum, publications, and links to other community policing Web sites.
Policing Consortium
This comprehensive Web site provides a wealth of resources on community
policing. Users can access a bibliography of publications on community
policing, read about other police departments’ success stories, and search
a database of programs.
This comprehensive Web site for law enforcement officers provides a variety
of resources, including a directory of law enforcement agencies on the
Web, criminal justice Web resources, and legal Web resources.
Information Center (NCJRS)
This extensive Web site serves as a clearinghouse for a number of Federal
criminal justice agencies. One can access full-text documents, find related
links, and search a bibliographic database of criminal justice research.
The OJJDP document, Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program: A Compendium
of Resources, is available full-text on this site.
National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC)
NCPC’s online resource center provides information on NCPC’s programs,
publications, and media campaigns. In addition, one can find factsheets
and program ideas on crime prevention areas, such as neighborhood organizing,
youth mobilization, and bias crime. Crime prevention links for law enforcement,
children, and adults are also included.
Office on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
The Web site provides information about the Enforcing Underage Drinking
Laws Initiative and its other programs and publications.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online
The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, compiled by the Bureau
of Justice Statistics, brings together data about all aspects of criminal
justice in the United States presented in over 600 tables from more than
100 sources. The online version is maintained and updated more frequently
than the print version.
Web sites compiled
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