UDETC-State Information


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No Events at this time. Please contact State Coordinator.

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Each state has developed a
plan to fund a variety of activities as part of the Enforcing the Underage
Drinking Laws program. In its plan, this state identified the following
funding processes and activities as the top priorities for its efforts.
Mini Grants
Other Process
Enforcement of minimum purchase age laws
Enforcement aimed at retailers
Compliance checks
Application of sanctions on violators
Education of merchants
Dram shop liability for sales to minors
Development of community support for enforcement
Enforcement Aimed at Youth
Cops in Shops
Penalties applied to the use of false identification
Strategies aimed at reducing social availability of alcohol
Enforcement of laws against buying alcohol for minors
Sales displays that discourage shoplifting
Special enforcement campaigns
Require sellers of alcohol to be at least 21 years old
False identification
Prohibit minors from entering bars
Improve laws regarding minors in possession of alcohol
Controls on availability in general
Conditional use permits for alcohol outlets
Controls on outlet location and density
Controls on hours of sale
Increase in price through excise taxes
Expressions of Community Norms Against Underage Use
Prohibitions or controls on alcohol use
Prohibition of alcohol sponsorship of public events
Controls on alcohol advertising
Community sponsorship of alcohol-free activities for youth
Media Campaigns
Media Advocacy
Counter Advertising
Tip Line
Parent coalitions to reduce alcohol use by their children
Law Enforcement
Youth Leadership
School based programs
School policies regarding alcohol use
Prevention curricula
Media literacy programs
Prevention of Impaired Driving
Establishment and enforcement of ‘zero tolerance’ laws
Sobriety checkpoints for impaired drivers
Responsible beverage service techniques
Vigorous and well-publicized enforcement
Driving Other
Juvenile offenders
Other at-risk youth

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