Effective Prevention Strategies: Selected Resources














(See resource lists in Training Center documents for more resource materials.)


on Access to Alcohol:

Enforcing the underage

drinking laws program: A compendium of resources, Office of Juvenile Justice

and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), 1999.

Available from: National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)

Online version: http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/pubs/compendium99/contents.html

Keeping alcohol away

from underage youth: Policy solutions. L. Pratt, C. Rothstein, J. Meath,

& T. Toomey, 1997.

Available from: University of Minnesota Alcohol Epidemiology Program Online

version: http://epihub.epi.umn.edu/alcohol/POLICY.HTML

Expressions of Community Norms:

Model ordinance for

regulating billboard and other forms of outdoor alcohol advertising, J.

F. Mosher & T. A. Shook, 1998.

Availability: Marin Institute, http://www.marininstitute.org/

Teen drinking prevention

program: Communicator’s guide. Center for Substance Abuse Prevention,


Available: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI),

1-800-729-6686, www.health.org

School-based Strategies:

Media skills as a

substance abuse prevention strategy: A teacher’s supplement, Weekly Reader

Corporation and Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.

Online: http://www.health.org/medltnew/wklyrd/index.htm

Setting and improving

policies for reducing alcohol and other drug problems on campus: A guide

for school administrators, W. DeJong, & S., Langenbahn, n.d.

Available: Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention

Available online: http://www.edc.org/hec/

Prevention of Impaired Driving:

Strategies for success:

Combating juvenile DUI, NHTSA & OJJDP, 1999.

Available: OJJDP Clearinghouse, 1-800-638-8736

Summary on line: http://www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles1/fs99114.txt

Youth DWI and underage

enforcement, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 1997.

Available: NHTSA, www.nhtsa.dot.gov, 1 800-424-9393

Selected Research

(See Training Center document, Strategies to Reduce Underage Alcohol Use

for a more comprehensive list of related research.)

Limitations on Access to Alcohol:

Lewis, R. K., Paine-Andrews,

A., Fawcett, S. B., Francisco, V. T., Richter, K. P., Copple, B., &

Copple, J. E. (1996). Evaluating the effects of a community coalition’s

efforts to reduce illegal sales of alcohol and tobacco products to minors.

Journal of Community Health, 21(6), 429B436.

Preusser, D. F., Williams,

A. F., & Weinstein, H. B. (1994). Policing underage alcohol sales.

Journal of Safety Research, 25(3), 127B133.

Expressions of Community Norms:

Grube, J. W., &

Wallack, L. (1994). Television beer advertising and drinking knowledge,

beliefs, and intentions among schoolchildren. American Journal of Public

Health, 84(2), 254-259.

Jernigan, D. H., &

Wright, P. A. (1996). Media advocacy: Lessons from community experiences.

Journal of Public Health Policy, 17(3), 306-329.

School based Strategies:

Moskowitz, J. M.,

& Jones, R. (1988). Alcohol and drug problems in the schools: Results

of a national survey of school administrators. Journal of Studies on Alcohol,

49(4), 299B305.

Slater, M. D., Rouner,

D., Murphy, K., Beauvais, F., Van Leuven, J., & Domenech-Rodriguez,

M. M. (1996). Adolescent counterarguing of TV beer advertisements: Evidence

for effectiveness of alcohol education and critical viewing discussions.

Journal of Drug Education, 26(2), 143B158.

Impaired Driving Prevention:

Blomberg, R. D. (1993).

Lower BAC limits for youth: Evaluation of the Maryland .02 law. In Alcohol

and other drugs: Their role in transportation (Transportation Research

Circular No. 413, pp. 25B27). Washington, DC: Transportation Research


Ross, H. L. (1992).

The deterrent capability of sobriety checkpoints: Summary of American

literature. Washington, DC: NHTSA.


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