“Did the Court get it right when it adjudicated a juvenile as ‘delinquent’ for underage drinking offenses?”


“Did the Court get it right when it adjudicated a juvenile as ‘delinquent’ for underage drinking offenses?”

In December 2012 the Court of Appeals of Ohio, Seventh District, Harrison County gave their opinion in the matter of IN RE JJM, 2012 Ohio 5605 – Ohio: Court of Appeals, 7th Appellate Dist 2012. The appellant, a juvenile who represented himself, appealed a decision from the Harrison County Common Pleas Court, Juvenile Division that adjudicated him a delinquent child for committing the offense of underage consumption in violation of R.C. 4301.69.

The Court’s opinion is an interesting discussion of law and facts and will provide the reader with a full appreciation of the legal issues and complexities that can arise from what might be considered by some to be routine problem addressed by the police. Take time to read the facts as reported by the officers, witnesses and parents and place yourself in the role of the Court.

The legal case can be read in its entirety at the Resource Alert link at the bottom of the Home page.