Case Studies

Case Studies

A frequent question asked by judges and judicial educators is “how are other courts handling the problems related to underage drinking?”  The case studies section contains a synopsis of programs, strategies and practices employed by courts and communities across the United States in their attempt to make a meaningful impact on youthful offenders and to reduce the rate of recidivism for these types of cases.  If you are aware of an innovative court program or you would like to have your program added to our case studies section please contact Senior Program Manager Aidan Moore at 603-369-1766 or at [email protected].       

A Compendium of Cases Studies 2009-2011

The Compendium document represents a collection of all the case studies produced as part of the OJJDP-PIRE Judicial-Probation Outreach Project from March 2009 to March 2011. The compendium is updated quarterly as newer case studies are added to this growing document. The compendium document includes:

1. Rhode Island Family Court Implements the Alcohol Calendar (2009)

2. Clackamas County Juvenile Department’s Use of Diversion Programs and Specialty Courts to Effectively Address Underage Drinking Offenses in Oregon (2009)

3. Engagement of the Criminal Justice System: The Zero Adult Provider Project Focusing on Social Providers (2009)

4. Community Assessment Team (CAT) San Diego County How do courts and diversion/probation programs work with youth and young adults charged with underage drinking offenses? (2009)

5. Utah’s Strategy to Address Underage Drinking (2010)

6. Reno Judges Pilot Alternative Sentencing Options to Address College Drinking (2010)

7. Vermont’s Teen Alcohol Safety Program (2010)

8. Underage Drinking: Intervention Principles and Practice Guidelines for Community Corrections (2010)

9. Multnomah County Juvenile Court Procedures to Effectively Address Underage Drinking Offenses in Oregon (2011)

Clackamas County Juvenile Department’s Response to Underage Drinking

Engagement of the Criminal Justice System – The Zero Adult Provider (ZAP) Project

Rhode Island Family Court Implements Alcohol Calendar

San Diego County Community Assissment Team – How do courts and diversion/probation programs work with youth and

young adults charged with underage drinking offenses? Are the

interventions assigned by the court and/or diversion or probation worker appropriate for

tackling this often multi-faceted problem?

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