The University of Illinois Collaborates with Law Enforcement and Community on Underage Drinking during Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day


The University of Illinois Collaborates with Law Enforcement and Community on Underage Drinking during Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day

What do thousands of college students do when their spring break comes at the same time as St Patrick’s Day? They create their own celebration event. Since 1996 the cities of Champaign and Urbana Illinois have wrestled with students celebrating St. Patrick’s Day early because the day falls on spring break week. According to campus police, “alcohol abuse, underage consumption, disorderly behavior, classroom disruptions and impact on emergency medical providers are a few of the detrimental effects of this event.” In response to these events a multi-jurisdictional taskforce operation was established and staffed by nearly 100 officers from the Champaign Police, Urbana Police, University of Illinois Police, Illinois State Police, Champaign County Sheriff’s Office, and Parkland College Public Safety Office. Additional support for the 2012 event came from the Champaign County State’s Attorney Office, Illinois Liquor Control Commission, and Champaign Fire Department.

As a result of this grant, efforts have expanded to address both commercial and social availability of alcohol. This success story shares some of challenges and collaborations needed to achieve this great success.

See this Success Story in its entirety at the Resource Alert link at the bottom of the home page.

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