Research – Alcohol Energy Drinks
A Comparison of the Combined-Use of Alcohol & Energy Drinks to Alcohol-Only on High-Risk Drinking and Driving Behaviors
Substance Use & Misuse, January 2015, Vol. 50, No. 1 , Pages 1-7
The combined-use of alcohol and energy drinks is an emerging public health issue. Researchers examined differences in drinking and driving behaviors among combined-users and participants who consumed alcohol-only. Researchers found that combined-users were more likely to drive after drinking, drive while knowingly drunk, and participate in other high-risk behaviors such as heavy drinking that increase the potential for injury. The study authors recommend that public policy makers and health professionals should focus prevention efforts to reduce high-risk combined-use behavior.
Caffeinated Cocktails
Acad Emerg Med. 2008 May; 15(5):453-60
Caffeinated Cocktails: Energy Drink Consumption, High-risk Drinking, and Alcohol-related Consequences among College Students
Risks of Energy Drinks Mixed With Alcohol
Journal of the American Medical Association. 2013; 309(3):245-246
The health effects of energy drinks have received attention from researchers and policy makers because there is limited knowledge about differential effects of caffeine on children and adults and the interaction of caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AMED) has become increasingly popular, especially among adolescents and college students. In surveys of college students, as many as 56% report mixing energy drinks with alcohol in the past month.
Teens Who Drink Alcohol And Energy Drink Mix Are Likely To Develop Abusive Alcohol Drinking Habits, Study Says
International Business Times, May 4, 2015