About the GAPA Discussion Board


Welcome! This discussion board is intended to help prevention advocates and
others around the world share their views, ideas, insights, and
news concerning alcohol policy and related issues. We hope that this will become
a powerful tool for the dissemination of alcohol policy expertise and a means
for persons from many areas to remain in touch and up-to-date.

As moderator of this board, I have responsibility
for its content. Though I desire free and open discussion, I will remove (or
“nuke”) any posts that I deem to be inappropriate. If you believe a
post is inappropriate and requires removing, or that a post has been removed in
error, please contact me at [email protected]
as soon as possible.

Please, use caution when discussing corporations
or individuals. Users of other message boards have been faced with libel suits
for indiscretion in their posts. As poster, you have responsibility for your
posts in that regard.

Enjoy this forum–and the rest of the site.


Miles D. Townes
[email protected]


Medical Reviewer