E-mail to GAPA regarding alcoholic milk drinks in Australia


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E-mail to GAPA regarding alcoholic milk drinks in Australia

From: Miles Townes

Date: 3/18/2003

Time: 10:48:00 AM

Remote Name:


I read with great interest the article ” The story of the alcoholic milk drink in Israel’ by Dr Shoshana Weiss published in the Globe Issue 4 2002.

Australia also has similar products recently released or proposed in this country.

1 Moo Joose manufactured by Wicked Holdings in Shepparton, Victoria is a 5.3% alcohol by volume milk based drink.. To be sold in 375 ml bottles flavoured with chocolate, strawberry, banana etc. Recommended retail price $A5.00. The Victorian State Government has refused to issue a license to permit this company to distribute its product on the grounds of an unaceptable risk to underage drinkers. The company is appealing against the ruling in the Victorian Civil Appeals Tribunal. A decision is expected this month.

2 Vodka Mudshake manufactured and imported into Australia by Independent Distillers of New Zealand. This is a 5% alcohol by volume, milk based product. It is sold in a 375 ml bottle flavoured with chocolate, coffee or caramel. Retail price $A4.75. Despite the banning of the locally made product, Mudshake is freely available as the State Government has no licensing control over imported alcoholic beverages. (photo of label attached)

While the outcome of the Moo Joose appeal has yet to be known, the state government has signalled it’s attention to list alcoholic milk drinks under the Liquor Control Reform Act – Prohibited Products regulations.

I hope this information is of use to you in your fight to keep alcohol out of the reach of children. I will certainly be bringing your experience to the attention of our local authorities.

Yours sincerely

Bruce Clark

President:- Society Without Alcoholic Trauma Inc

1/15 Collins St


Victoria, Australia 3000.

email [email protected]

Last changed: March 18, 2003

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