American Indian
Development Associates, Inc.

The American Indian Development Associates
(AIDA) provides the Center with expertise and credibility in issues
relevant to tribal communities, including economic, social, demographic,
geographic, and cultural factors that make enforcing underage drinking
laws particularly challenging.


National Crime
Prevention Council

The National Crime Prevention Council
(NCPC) provides the Center with expertise in comprehensive crime
prevention technical assistance and training to communities with a special
emphasis on coalition building.  NCPC coalition activities encompass
local and State law enforcement agencies.


Mothers Against
Drunk Driving

Mothers Against Drunk Driving brings the
Center expertise and national credibility in grassroots organizing and
citizen activism, with particular strength in fostering the involvement of
youth. MADD also brings a national a national infrastructure of State and
local chapters that can be mobilized to work o this initiative.

Police Executive
Research Forum

Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
brings the Center a access to and expertise in working with executive
level law enforcement officers at the State, county, and local
levels.  Through its membership, PERF assisted the Center in engaging
enforcement agencies in the OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws

Liquor Law Enforcement Association (NLLEA)
is a membership
organization of law enforcement personnel. 
The NLLEA partners with the Center to improve the standards and
practices of liquor law enforcement and to promote public recognition of
the role and achievements of liquor law enforcement in protecting the
public health and safety.
Medical Reviewer