National Leadership Conference – 2005

The 6th Annual National Leadership

Conference, “Law Enforcement and Communities: Sustaining Progress,

Blazing New Trails” focused on successful collaborations between

law enforcement agencies and community coalitions that have used

strategic planning to ensure sustained activity to reduce youth

access to alcohol. Conference plenary and workshop sessions introduced

innovative approaches to generate greater attention to underage

drinking and enhance knowledge and skills to combat it.

With approximately 1,100 participants from nearly every State this

year’s conference was a huge success and marked an important

milestone in the evolution of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws

(EUDL) Program. Keynote and plenary speakers featured senior level

Federal administrators, State policymakers, representatives of national

advocacy organizations and prevention advocates who have achieved

widespread success working within their respective States.

If you have any questions regarding the 6th Annual National Leadership

Conference, please e-mail the UDETC at [email protected].

For dates and updated information on next year’s conference,


We look forward to seeing you next year in Baltimore, MD!

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