The following section contains sample materials for communities and coalitions that the UDETC and/or communities have used to increase support for underage drinking enforcement efforts and improved compliance with minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) laws. Please feel free to modify them to fit your own community’s needs. If you have any questions about how to use the information, or if you have sample materials that you would like to share with others, please contact us at [email protected].
Sample Letters:
Retailer Letter for High Risk Times-Template
Retailer Letter Failing Alcohol Purchase Survey-Template
Retailer Letter Passing Alcohol Purchase Survey-Template
Retailer Letter to Landlords in College Towns-Template
Notification Letter to Retailers about Compliance Check Operations
This sample letter may be jointly signed by the law enforcement agency and community coalition, if appropriate. A consideration may be for either law enforcement, community coalition members, or both to hand deliver letters to retailers as an opportunity to engage retailers in prevention discussions.
Retailer Congratulatory Letter for Compliance Check Pass
Coalitions may support law enforcement efforts by offering their cooperation by either having their information included in the letter along with the law enforcement agency to demonstrate their partnership to reduce underage drinking, offer assistance with merchant education outreach, and/or hand deliver the congratulatory letters in partnership with law enforcement officers to commend the retailers in being partners in prevention to reduce underage drinking.
Retailer Letter for Compliance Check Failure
Coalitions may support law enforcement efforts by offering their assistance in having their information included in the letter along with the law enforcement agency to demonstrate their partnership to reduce underage drinking, offer assistance with merchant education outreach, and/or hand deliver the non-compliance letters in partnership with law enforcement officers to stress the importance of preventing sales to underage youth and request the retailers cooperation in being partners in prevention to reduce underage drinking.