Links – Underage Drinking

Reducing Underage

Drinking: A Collective Responsibility

Alcohol use by young people is extremely dangerous – both

to themselves and society at large. Underage alcohol use is associated

with traffic fatalities, violence, unsafe sex, suicide, educational

failure, and other problem behaviors that diminish the prospects

of future success, as well as health risks – and the earlier

teens start drinking, the greater the danger. Despite these serious

concerns, the media continues to make drinking look attractive to

youth, and it remains possible and even easy for teenagers to get

access to alcohol.

Why is this dangerous behavior so pervasive? What can be done to

prevent it? What will work and who is responsible for making sure

it happens? Reducing Underage Drinking addresses these questions

and proposes a new way to combat underage alcohol use. It explores

the ways in which many different individuals and groups contribute

to the problem and how they can be enlisted to prevent it. Reducing

Underage Drinking will serve as both a game plan and a call to arms

for anyone with an investment in youth health and safety.

Action on Alcohol & Teens (AAT)

This network of Minnesota citizens works to reduce youth access

to alcohol. AAT is seeking to change state and local policies that

would hold both merchants and other adults accountable for selling

or giving alcohol to underage persons. The web site includes information

about the program and its strategies, and includes a compilation

of fact sheets and resources on youth access to alcohol.

Alcohol Cost Calculator for Kids

The Alcohol Cost Calculator for Kids, a web-based application, allows communities to arm themselves with locally-relevant

data by immediately generating a report on the extent of serious drinking problems and alcoholism among adolescents.

Research scientists at George Washington University Medical Center created the tool to help parents, teachers and law makers

calculate the toll of alcohol problems in their community.

Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV

Organized through the Center for Science in the Public Interest,

the Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV seeks to reduce the amount

of alcoholic-beverage advertising to underage children and young

adults who tune into televised sports for fun.

The Century Council

The Century Council supports a variety of initiatives that advance

strategies to reduce underage drinking and youth access to alcohol.

The Council’s web site has pages devoted to enforcement efforts,

such as Cops In Shops and the Front Lines program (promotional materials

for minimum purchase age awareness and enforcement). The site further

describes the Council’s involvement in efforts to pass zero tolerance

laws and legislation allowing administrative license revocation

for the prevention of impaired driving. Educational programs for

parents, teens, and college students are also featured at this web


Connecticut Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking (CCSUD)

The Connecticut Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking (CCSUD) was established in February 1997

to change a wide range of social factors that contribute to underage drinking. The Coalition

comprises more than 700 public agencies, private sector organizations and concerned citizens.

Its mission is to stop underage alcohol use and its related social harms by bringing about

long-term change at the state and local levels.

DSHS Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse/


The Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse promotes strategies

that support healthy lifestyles by preventing the misuse of alcohol,

tobacco, and other drugs, and support recovery from the disease

of chemical dependency.

FACE: Truth and Clarity about Alcohol

The FACE (Facing Alcohol Concerns through Education) web site describes

the organization’s focus on media development, training, and advocacy.

Links to the product catalog and order form provide access to videos,

commercials, outdoor advertising, and print materials that address

the health and safety risks associated with alcohol. These media,

and FACE training sessions as well, may be of particular interest

to those working in the area of community norms.

MADD Youth In Action

In 1996, MADD announced its new partnership with concerned youth

to combat underage drinking and the #1 drug problem among youth

in America — ALCOHOL. Lack of enforcement of the 21 drinking age

laws, easy access to alcohol, irresponsible alcohol marketing practices,

lack of youth education and prevention programs, and parents who

condone underage drinking as a “rite of passage” all contribute

to alcohol being the number one drug of choice among youth today.

In response, MADD has developed a community based youth program

called Youth In Action (YIA). These teams of young people are working

on projects that are helping to reduce the availability of alcohol

to minors.

The following coalitions are funded through The Robert Wood Johnson

Foundation and have developed their own web sites to assist prevention

advocates within their states and elsewhere work effectively to

combat underage drinking.

Connecticut Coalition to Stop Underage Drinking

Georgia Alcohol Policy Partnership

Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking

Minnesota Join Together Coalition to Reduce

Underage Alcohol Use

Missouri’s Youth/Adult Alliance Against

Underage Drinking

National Capital Coalition to Reduce Underage


North Carolina Initiative to Reduce Underage


Oregon Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking

Pennsylvanians against Underage Drinking

Texans Standing Tall


Medical Reviewer