Links – General Alcohol

Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)

APIS, a project of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, is an electronic

resource that provides authoritative, detailed, and comparable information on alcohol-related

policies in the U.S., at both State and Federal levels.


Injury and Violence (ARIV)

The Trauma Foundation’s ARIV project facilitates the exchange of

information on alcohol-related injury and violence. ARIV’s Web site

provides factsheets, a searchable bibliographic database, and publications.

The ARIV Resource Manual, a compilation of factsheets and literature

reviews, is included full-text.

America’s Partners to Prevent Underage Drinking

America’s Partners to Prevent Underage Drinking (AP) is a national coalition of

organizations and businesses committed to the goal of protecting America’s youth from

the devastating harm and consequences associated with underage drinking.

BoozeNews: Alcohol Policies Project

The Alcohol Policies Project of the Center for Science in the Public

Interest seeks to curb the consequences of drinking through a comprehensive,

prevention-oriented policy strategy. This Web site is geared toward

alcohol policy advocates, providing updated news stories and action

alerts. Further, the site includes factsheets on alcohol and youth,

binge drinking, advertising, and taxes.

The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY)

The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University monitors the marketing practices

of the alcohol industry to focus attention and action on industry practices that jeopardize the health

and safety of America’s youth.

Join Together Online

The Join Together Web site compiles news, feature stories, funding

information, and resources from a variety of sources. A “Quick

Search” interface, available on each page within the Substance

Abuse section, allows easy access to items addressing many of the

strategies to reduce underage alcohol use: enforcement (e.g., compliance

checks, keg registration), social availability (e.g., parties),

tax increases, community norms (e.g., advocacy, counteradvertising),

and DWI prevention, to name a few. While not specific to underage

alcohol use, the Take Action section of the Web site also provides

tips on advocacy and media relations.

Marin Institute

The Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug

Problems addresses alcohol policy issues through media advocacy,

community training, serving as a watchdog for the industry’s marketing

activities, and the dissemination of information and research. Its

Web site includes information about the organization, full-text

documents, and access to its Alcohol Industry & Policy Database,

which indexes news articles about the alcohol industry’s activities.

The National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery (NAAAPI)

The National Association of African Americans for Positive Imagery

was formed in 1991, to help end the excessive marketing of alcohol,

tobacco, and other harmful products to communities of color. The

goal of NAAAPI is to mobilize the African American communities

around the nation to support positive and healthy media and advertising


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism (NIAAA)

In addition to providing general information about the Institute,

the Web site provides full-text research documents. To further research

alcohol-related science and issues, search NIAAA’s ETOH bibliographic


Prevention Research Center’s (PRC’s) Resource Link

This web site provides information and practical guidance to state and community agencies

and organizations, policy makers, and members of the general public who are interested in

combating alcohol and other drug abuse and misuse. The materials on the web site are

based on the scientific research and analysis conducted at the Center.

PREVline: National Clearinghouse on Alcohol

and Drug Information

PREVline serves as a central information source for alcohol and

drug information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

PREVline maintains a section on alcohol and provides information

on many public awareness campaigns.


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