Links to Other College Resources
What Colleges Need to Know Now: An Update on College Drinking Research
This report, developed by the NIAAA-supported Task Force on College Drinking after 3 years of intensive discussions, describes our new understanding of dangerous drinking behavior by college students and its consequences for both drinkers and nondrinkers. The Task Force outlines a series of recommendations for colleges and universities, researchers, and NIAAA. What distinguishes this guidance from others is its firm reliance on scientific evidence and its call for collaboration between academic institutions and researchers. This bulletin was released by NIAAA in 2007 and summarizes research findings since the 2002 Call to Action report, as well as provides updated statistics, analysis, and recommendations.
The Alcohol Epidemiology Program (AEP) is a research program in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health within the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis campus). Their website provides resource information for research publications, reports, fact sheets, and materials that may be of interest to college communities. College-related research publications focus on enforcement of alcohol policies on college campuses, screening for alcohol problems among 4-year colleges and universities, and others. The website also features a new resource referred to as the College Systems Model.
Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV
Organized through the Center for Science in the Public Interest, the Campaign for Alcohol-Free Sports TV seeks to reduce the amount of alcoholic-beverage advertising to underage children and young adults who tune into televised sports for fun. is an online resource for higher education administrators, students, parents, and other professionals who are seeking information about creating healthier and safer living and learning environments for college and university students, both on campus and in the surrounding community. This Web site emphasizes a comprehensive public health-based approach to addressing alcohol and other drug use and violence and in promoting mental health wellness among students.
College Drinking Prevention (NIAAA)
The College Drinking Prevention website is funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). It is a resource for comprehensive research-based information on issues related to alcohol abuse and binge drinking among college students. It contains FAQs, statistics on underage and high risk student drinking and consequences, alcohol myths, research findings, sample college alcohol policies, and other resources.
Facts on Tap is a joint effort of the Children of Alcoholics Foundation and the American Council on Drug Education to provide educational resources on alcohol for college students. Information is included on the effects of alcohol, including the relationship between sex and alcohol, and the second-hand effects of alcohol.
International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) Resource Center
The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) advances public safety for educational institutions by providing educational resources, advocacy, and professional development services. The IACLEA Resource Center web site includes resources and links to campus crime prevention and enforcement practices.
Preventing Binge Drinking on College Campuses: A Guide to Best Practices
Nelson TF, Winters KC, and Hyman V. Preventing Binge Drinking on College Campuses: A Guide to Best Practices. Hazeldon Publishing, Center City, MN, 2012.
This book provides colleges and universities with an outline of research-based strategies to successfully address and prevent college student binge drinking and the related negative consequences. The tools and methods presented are grounded in public health and clinical and scientific research, and are tested programs and approaches. Best practices include policy, prevention, and intervention-related services.
Promising Practices: Campus Alcohol Strategies
This Web site contains information developed by George Mason’s Promising Practices program. The site houses the online version of the Promising Practices program binder, which includes descriptions of hundreds of alcohol misuse prevention programs at work in colleges nationwide. All descriptions include contact information, the program’s objectives, and a descriptive narrative that may include examples of the program’s effectiveness. In addition, the Campus Task Force Planner is available. It lists prevention strategies by type of group (faculty, student government, etc.), and provides case examples for each.
Reducing Underage and Excessive Drinking
This website from CADCA offers several resources in partnership with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to help individuals educate their community about the dangers of underage drinking among children and teens, and binge or excessive drinking among college-age youth.